Satire On Homelessness

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What can be done about homeless people, those poor, sick, jobless souls who just can’t seem to get their acts together and whose suffering makes the streets and sidewalks so uncomfortable for the rest of us? It is to criminalize homelessness, because while homeless people are conundrums, criminals are not. There are systems for dealing with them. Forbid their unwanted presence, their unwelcome behaviors, their unsightly possessions, and you can drive them out of view into jails or a neighboring county. First, we must address the problem. Many people view the homeless as a menace to society. The problem with this is not just the bold presence of classism, but the fact that human society hasn’t civilized past the point where it needs an “other” to cast out. The homeless are one of these “others” but have the added misery of being extremely visible. …show more content…

People I have encountered are on the streets for reasons such as mental illness,financial hardship,physical or mental disabilities,they have escaped abuse in the home:physical,sexual,mental,they are escaping mainstream society because they feel socially inadequate. Sometimes it's a combination of the above. Do I feel they are less than human? Definitely not, No one knows what it is like to walk in the shoes of those that walk the streets and it could happen to anyone! They are the sister,brother,daughter,son,mother,father etc of someone and I think they should be allowed dignity just like anyone else in this