Communication: Differences Between Good Customers And Staff Relations

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Many firms are successful due to the relationship with the customer, if a customer’s experience is a positive one they will return for future business. A satisfied customer will be full of praise and recommend the business to others. Word of mouth is a very powerful tool within the competitive world of business.
Within the department I currently work there are procedures and local guidance protocols that each staff member has to follow when working with customers, a staff handbook. These are set out by the Human Resources Department, to ensure staff are providing a high quality service. I will list a few:
• Listen, understand and value your customer, the ultimate aim is to build on a trusting relationship demonstrating mutual respect – continuous …show more content…

Communication is a two way process, staff need to know all the crucial information in order to perform their roles effectively and efficiently. However sometimes communication does not go smoothly. A Manager may not pass on information to an employee working on the frontline of a business eg: an amendment to an order came in via phone and stock invoice was not changed to reflect this. Outcome the customer is not receiving the goods he ordered, he in turn cannot meet supply and demand. It will be the frontline employee who will have to deal with the dispute/ complaint, try and build on repairing the damage / friction due to poor communication, so that future business will continue and relationship …show more content…

It is essential that a business gains feedback from its customers. This can be down through customer questionnaires, complaints and compliments. This will review current practise, future changes/challenges, areas requiring improvement, staff attitudes etc.. The ultimate outcome is to foster a strong relationship with the customer. Some companies like Tesco offer a reward scheme – money off coupons/vouchers, in an attempt to keep their customers returning for business something that ASDA and other leading supermarkets don’t