Analyze The Reasons For The Breakdown Of Communication

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Reasons for the breakdown of communication and communication barriers
Having an ineffective communication with in the organization stops people from expressing and understanding each other. However the effective Communication is basic tool to all the leaders, departments and employees in running toward the goals and achievements. Breakdowns in communication can diminish the work done by workers in order to achieve their target. However knowing the main and most important issues in breakdowns of communication can help the organization to get prepared to avoid them. In addition to this Effective communication is tough to progress if people don't know how and who to communicate in certain situations which make the relationship between the workers …show more content…

The communication breakdown took place due to simple false assumptions. According to the scenario, Sami had wrong guess towards Marika about the decision she made and that was the main reason the situation became worse and after Marika attempting to meet Sami, yet the ignorance from Sami has made their relationship worse and it effected the entire operations. Sami did not ask Marika and never listened to her opinion and story of what has happened. In the situation of Sami and Marika there was a power struggle which was affecting the communication between them. There was also the most importantly interpersonal barrier which affected the situation very much and has made it worse. Since Marika and Sami was working in the same group they would have the trust built within the work due to this they had poor relationship while in work. In addition to this the lack of co-operation between Sami and Marika has made the work and connection poorer too. The psychological barrier was also caused to Sami since he is struggling to change. He grips to his ego and kept ignoring