Saudi Arabia Research Paper

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Saudi Arabia vs. U.S. – Business Practices
Business practices all around the world relate to each other with one common goal, to make money. The road to this goal is what separates them from each other and represents their culture. Saudi Arabia and the U.S. have many different structures and beliefs when it comes to their business practices and culture but both, in the end, exist for the same reasons. Practices tend to build upon the culture’s norms and values which is why these countries differ in so many ways.
When it comes to the business workweek the two countries couldn’t be more different. Saudi Arabia starts it’s workweek on Saturday and ends on Wednesday, putting its “weekend” on Thursday and Friday. Offices, Banks and Retail stores …show more content…

have their similarities and differences. Both countries tend to be direct in their communication between other partners but have very different ideas when it comes to decision-making and hierarchy. Saudi Arabia holds their religious beliefs in very close regards to their business practices. Taking breaks from meetings to pray and referring to Allah for final decisions are normal and practically required. During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are only allowed to work six hours a day and must focus on resting for the fast. Businesses follow the rules of the religion and make accommodations for it. Family is also very important in the Saudi business world. The hierarchy of power often stems from the rank of family members with elders usually holding the highest positions. These practices of religious formality and family importance tend to be put aside in U.S. business culture. Because of the variety of ethnic groups and religions in America, businesses tend to shy away from anything that might cause friction between coworkers or controversy in decisions. Despite their differences Saudi’s and Americans both tend to be direct and to the point when it comes to handling issues or problem …show more content…

The U.S. will usually close a business deal on the spot whether or not it is good or bad whereas Saudi’s will not close a deal until both parties have parted ways. Americans also prefer to have face to face discussions and agreements and feel this is the most effective and direct way to communicate. Saudi Arabia sees this face to face communication as also a very important part of business but will sometimes prefer to communicate in writing to avoid deliberation. Both countries will usually have contracts translated and verified by both parties but in the case of disputes in the contract’s translation, will refer back to their own languages text and move on from

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