Scalia Originalism

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Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was an originalist who has impacted the supreme court in a variety of pertinent case decisions such as King v. Burwell, whose ruling has upheld a key component to the Affordable Care Act. His recent death is unfortunate, but he leaves behind this impact on the court with his originalist perspective and an impact in those around him such as in his fellow Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Scalia based his interpretation off of the theory of originalism. According to Scalia, originalist interpret the constitution as it originally was intended to mean when it was ratified in 1787. This view of the constitution conflicts with the the common interpretation of it today as a “living document,” that changes and adjust …show more content…

As opposed to Scalia’s originalist interpretation, Ginsburg believes the constitution evolves with society and should reflect contemporary society. Ginsburg states the constitution is to form a “more perfect union,” pertaining this idea to her constitutional philosophy by showing how the constitution most evolve in order to form a more perfect union. If the constitution stays stagnate and unchanged, there is no progression forward. She emphasize this idea by putting in perspective that “We the people” two centuries ago does not reflect who we the people are today. Originally this reflected the white, elite, land-owning men and now this statement reflects society as a whole. If the constitution were not to evolve with society, this idea of who “we” represents would have never changed. Despite their conflicting views, Scalia and Ginsburg has a thriving friendship. Scalia would attempt to “put-down” any view that opposed his, including Ginsburg’s. However, when asked how she feels about these put-downs, Ginsburg states his opinion is not o be taken seriously or to heart. Scalia see’s all the supreme court justice’s as implausible if they disagree with him on a matter. Ginsburg see;s Scalia’s put-downs as a challenge to fight against. The true friendship they share is shown in how they can have such conflicting views in the courtroom, yet come together and always have a positive and respectable view of one