
Schools Out For Summer Essay By Anna Quindlen

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In America?

Schools Out for Summer an essay by Anna Quindlen was written for the sole purpose to inform people of the issues of child hunger in America. Anna begins the essay with the feedback from a PSA regarding child hunger, in which of most of the participants said “Not here. Not in America. If there was, we would know about it.”

The issue of child hunger in America is often looked over because we are a very prosperous nation and we couldn't possibly let our own go hungry. Yet, we do. “During the the rest of the year fifteen million students get free or cut-rate lunches at school, and many of them get breakfast, too. But only three million children are getting lunches through the federal summer lunch program.” You can’t argue with statistics and I believe that is why the author included this in her essay. She also states that, “A food bank in Connecticut gave away four thousand more turkeys than the year before- and still ran out of birds.” She uses this statistic to show that not only is hunger a big problem, it's a growing problem.

There's a mentality here in the US, the greatest nation on the earth, that asking for help is something to be frowned upon. Anna Quindlen goes on to say “Some don't want or seek government help because of the perceived stigma.”She also says “The parents themselves are loath to talk: …show more content…

Her purpose was to inform and to spark a desire for change within her readers. She uses Ethos, Logos and Pathos well to paint a picture of hungry children yearning for a bite to eat when school is out. She provides data, professional opinions and an artistic writing style that pierces the heart and inspires change. While the purpose of this essay was to inform one could believe it was also made to bring about change. We know what to do, now we have to do it, because there is a hungry child who needs our help. Right here. In

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