Schools Should Not Have Dress Codes Because They Are Unfair Towards Girls

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Schools should not have dress codes because they are unfair towards girls.
Schools dress codes unfairly target girls in the discipline process. According to the national women's law center(2) “These rules arent neutral: many target girls and especially black girls, by regulating skirt length and headwraps”. This form of sexism can be detrimental to girls' mental health. According to the government accountability office(2), dress codes more frequently restrict items worn by girls. By allowing dress codes to discriminate against the female body, schools are causing unnecessary stress to girls. Dress codes are sexist because they restrict so many items worn by girls.
Because dress codes unfairly target girls they face more discipline. “These …show more content…

“Clothing policies turn schools supposed to be a safe environment that should allow young people to develop cognitively socially and personally into a place that fuels self-consciousness, shame and discrimination.”( 1) Clothing policies turn schools into unsafe places both mentally and physically. They severely harm students' mental health saying that body parts form a distraction and thus matter to others and cause more stress to girls. By having a clothing policy it adds additional unnecessary stress to the females causing anxiety. In all, having dress codes makes girls feel invalid and causes body issues. Some people argue that dress codes and school uniforms prevent bullying. Although this is not statistically true, even with dress codes or uniforms, bullies will always find something else to make fun of. Schools unfairly target girls with the dress code. When schools have a clothing policy it makes the females feel invalid and unsafe, it can also give them high anxiety, as well as those reasons dress coding takes away their learning time which is what they are there for in the first place. So, in conclusion, dress codes are affecting the girls mental state and are causing body issues which in some cases it goes away but with some girls it

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