Schuler Scholar Scholarship Essay

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There are several qualities that make a strong Schuler Scholar, so I believe my motivations of thinking about the future and proving others wrong, my skill of open-mindedness, and my interests in cultures and music fit the image of a strong Schuler Scholar. Although getting through the endless obstacles in life is hard, I believe in doing the best you can now to have a prosperous future. There are times when people I know discourage me from what I want to do, and I let it get to me. I dwell a lot on how to improve myself for others, or “try to make” people think of me in an admirable way, if such a thing exists. Therefore, I set a goal to prove them wrong. It encourages me to try harder, and challenge myself more. These motivators aren’t …show more content…

So as I grew older and was able to grasp ideas, I grew open-minded. If someone identifies differently from me, I don’t avoid the person, but get to know them better. Open-mindedness is an important skill because accepting differences and perspectives. I consider it to be one of the most important skills in society, especially today. Being able to be born into and African family and experiencing a different culture at home is very fortunate. I enjoy learning about different cultures, and I compare it to the cultures I grew up with. I consider it very essential to know about the world, and what goes on. This goes in hand with open-mindedness. Culture exposure lets people know that others aren’t that different from them, which can reduce the amount of prejudice in the world. For this reason, I think this is an important interest of a strong Scholar. Music helps me speak the unspoken. It is something I’ve relied on my whole life. Music comes in all shapes and forms, but my favorite genre is the kind that comes straight from the heart. Music from the heart is a very powerful thing, and helps me to understand people better. I think by making music, I’m able to express my ideas in a different way, which is an important quality of being a

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