Personal Definition Of Leadership Paper

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My personal definition of leadership is that in order for a team to run smoothly, it is imperative that the leader and the team work as a collective unit toward the common goal of being successful. Of course, it will be my responsible as the leader to plan appropriate leadership tools that will allow the team to be knowledgeable of the material that makes the team one of the cream of the crops. The team, however, needs to be allowed to take control of learning the material as well. I believe that the leader should provide the applicable activities that members of the team needs to get hands on experiences in order to increase their knowledge in making the team, successful. The leadership theory that mostly aligns with my personal definition …show more content…

I feel that there is a lot I can learn from others who came from different backgrounds. Learning about their culture and different things that they may value could change the way I view certain aspects of life, and bring us closer together as friends and co-workers. I don’t always understand social norms because if you don’t stay current with the changes, you will fall behind. I don’t feel that I persuade other by engaging them in discussion, I am more of a less talk more action type of guy. I know that this is a negative way of leadership, but I feel that if the team knows what is required of them, they will do whatever it takes to make the team succeed and be successful. I coach and mentor others, especially the youth with compassion because, I take pride in whatever I am doing and I want those I lead to have the same passion as I have. I try to instill in my team to always strive to be the best in all their endeavors in life. I love to provide feedback to my team members, it allows us to fix the issues that are lacking our attention as well as to keep improving the good points we have within our team. I believe I lack in the department of articulating a compelling vison, I still have an issue to speaking out loud, so my vision becomes lost in the crowd at times. I am diligently working on becoming more outspoken because team work makes the dream work. I feel that I lead by bringing out the best in people, because even though I am quiet, I love to win; so therefore, I lead by example. I enjoy having the input of the whole team. In order for a team to be successful, everyone must be on board. The main reasons of having a team is due to the fact that there is a plethora of ideas waiting to be shared. As stated in the paragraph of inspiration “Team work, makes the dream