Science Fiction Movies Becoming Popular In The 1950s

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Science Fiction Movies Becoming Popular in 1950s

People started making a lot of unrealistic films due to the nuclear war, and people didn't know a lot about radiation back then and what the know was that radiation can cause mutations which led them to create a lot of unrealistic films. Even though a lot of unrealistic films came out of the nuclear war there were also some films that are much more realistic film which shows what nuclear bombs can do to the world.

On the Beach was a book that has been adapted into a film in 1959. Nevil Shute Norway was the one who wrote the book and what led him to write books was from his observations in society. On the beach is basically about the what will happen when there’s actually a nuclear war. During the 1950s it was after WW2 and people start to gain an understanding of what radiation is and because people can’t live in places with radiation,

The Anti-Communism Movement in the …show more content…

McCarthy was a political agitator ( a person who urges people to rebel against something) who criticized Communism trying to use that to push the United States forward into a passionate anti-communist country during the tense years with the Soviet Union and Cold war. A special congressional committee, which was led by McCarthy, conducted debatable investigations so that they can rid of Communist sympathizers. Those who were suspected of being a communist were encouraged to confess and identify other communist sympathizers so that they can escape punishment. Because of that there were a lot of accusation, as they realize that they may be declared as communists whether they are innocent or not. People gave false confessions to save themselves, they created the image of the United States occupied by communism. This was very similar to what has happened in the Salem witch trials as people were accused of something that they have no relation