The Scientific Method
A scientific method is an empirical process designed for experimentation. It is used to explore observations, answer questions, and solve problems. When conducting research, scientists use scientific methods to collect measurable evidence. This methodology is used to answer questions in a wide variety of disciplines including business. The goal of a scientific method is to gather data that will validate or disprove a cause and effect relationship.
A hypothesis is formulated from this data and then it is tested. A scientific method normally involves the formulation, testing, and modification of a hypotheses.
Steps of a scientific method
1. Make an observation
2. Ask a question, identify a problem, or state an objective
3. Formulate a hypothesis
4. Design an experiment
5. Analyze data and draw a conclusion
6. Report the results of the experiment
A Research Question
A research question is the foundational essence of a research
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The following guidelines are frequently used to evaluate a research question:
Is the research question too narrow or too broad?
Is the research question measurable?
Is the research question researchable?
Is the research question significant?
Is the research question ethical?
Is the research question complex?
b. How to Write a Research Question
Pick a general area of research that is interesting
Do some preliminary research and brainstorm ideas
Avoid questions that are too broad
Make sure the question is specific
Hypothesis Statements
Normally written in the form of an if/then statement, a hypothesis is an educated guess about how things work. It is an attempt to answer questions with an explanation that can be tested through study and experimentation. The basic idea of a hypothesis is that there is no pre-determined outcome. To ensure the veracity and integrity of an experiment, most formal hypotheses consist of concepts that can be rejected or modified.
Elements of a Good Hypothesis
Can your hypothesis be