Scp Scip Research Paper

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Item #: SCP-scip Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Instances of SCP-scip are currently contained in containment pasture-20. Subjects that are not neutered or spade will be moved to separate containment units. Individual that are harassed by other instances may be separated (the same may be done to instances harassing other instances). It’s recommended to put another rabbit with it to prevent depression. An instance of SCP-scip has the standard need of a mini-rex. Caretakers are to be a team 5-10 D-class personnel and shouldn’t be switched out unless necessary. When one of the D-class has a rabbit into maintenance chamber, gas the chamber with Methoxyflurane (up to .401% of the air). Description: SCP-scip-1 through -51 are a mutated …show more content…

The stars appear to be developing with the babies. SCP-scip-51 nebula is concentrating all to one spot with a lack of a fully formed star. 11/6/2001 Baby instances have grown to juvenile, with almost all of the nebula transformed into stars. SCP-scip-51 nebula is still gathering head into one spot 25/8/2005 Blue star instances have begun to grow into supergiants with one hyper giant. SCP-scip-51 appears to still appears to be at a young juvenile age, fur has turned completely black. SCP-scip-51 was isolated due to injuries caused by objects flying to it, SCP-scip-41 has placed with it to prevent depression. It appears that the gravitational pull from individual instances affect other instances. further reports on SCP-scip are now in Addendum 2. 1/12/2007 Majority of blue star instances have died, leaving behind a nebula, before the anomaly fades from their fur. Instances died at the supernova, remains of the star beyond the nebula left behind have yet to be seen. 03/02/2008 New Instances of SCP-scip are born, most of them appear to have a similar nebula from what was left from the blue star

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