
Scrooge Charles Dickens Summary

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Humble beginnings. Scrooge truly started from the bottom. He was not born into wealth and started without a dime. He was born to poor farmers and started working as a young boy to earn money. A true Dickensian existence he lived as he and his family were poor. Regardless, no matter how poor you are you still have worth. Therefore, know your worth and do not accept anything less. Remember this: “I believe that virtue shows quite as well in rags and patches as she does in purple and fine linen. – Charles Dickens. His first job was as a shoeshine boy in Scotland. This is where he earned his first dime which he never spent, but would save as a remember of the importance of hard work. This is the start of his thriftiness and the secret to his …show more content…

School of hardknocks. McDuck had no formal education because he went to work at an early age, but became a self-taught and lifelong learner by reading. His extensive travels and business dealings to seek out opportunities allowed him to learn numerous languages where is able to cut out the middleman as he states he has outsmarted the smarties. There is no one job or niche that secured his wealth. He would go on to diversify his mining money into as many opportunities and investments that he could use to grow his money. He teaches his nephews the principles of economics, history of money, and inflation. Scrooge always does his due diligence and researches any investment before investing, because knowledge, discipline and understanding are the foundation to building a profitable wealth portfolio. Note this: Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway. - Warren …show more content…

Scrooge teaches his nephews about inflation in the animated short entitled Scrooge McDuck and money (1967). Basically, as the price of good and services rise the value of currency falls. Meaning that the money in the bank today will be worth less tomorrow. He wanted to teach his nephews that without something solid and secure behind the money then you get inflation where money becomes worth less and less. A dollar would not be worth the paper it’s printed on. He says it’s what you can buy with what you have got that counts.

From worker to owner. Scrooge was bright and not afraid of hard work. He listened to the sound advice of his father and decided he would work smarter not harder. It took him mere months to save enough money to go to overseas to America instead of years through his ingenuity. Businessman was his goal through ownership of numerous commodities. Put money to work for you. Money does not sleep. He even owed the very banks that housed his money! The money is in ownership. He had a simple business motto: Keep it simple so he could run the business

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