Seasons In The Great Gatsby Analysis

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The changing seasons are commonly used in literature to provide a description of the weather and how it contributes to the setting in a piece of text. However, the meaning of the seasons can be used more effectively in a story when they help illustrate a certain point. This notion of using seasons as a symbol is greatly displayed in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. The changing weather symbolizes the emotions and justifies the actions of Nick, Tom, Daisy, and Gatsby throughout the novel. The seasonal settings also provide a foreshadowing based on the notions that they are associated with. Based on examples in the summer and autumn, it is clear that the seasons and the weather can be used to further explain the emotions of the characters and to include suspense by foreshadowing important events throughout The Great Gatsby. In the beginning of The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway points out that the story begins in early summer while …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald uses the seasons as an important role in The Great Gatsby. Understanding the meaning behind the seasons and how they are connected to the characters and the events in the story helps build a stronger context of the novel. The summer allows Nick and Gatsby to believe that they have a new beginning for a certain part of their lives. It also brings intensity on the hottest day to show why the dramatic events occurred the way that they did. Examples of this are Gatsby’s increased love and hope for Daisy and the powerful conflict between Gatsby and Tom. The brisk autumn weather foreshadows the tragic deaths of Gatsby and Mr. Wilson. It offers a symbolization of Gatsby’s dying hope for Daisy. However, his refusal to believe that she is really gone is demonstrated when he goes swimming in the cold weather. His life ends with a beautiful death because he is peaceful rather than heartbroken. As the leaves begins to die and the heat subsides, Gatsby’s life is taken along with the dying