Seattle Real Estate Development Essay

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Goal: Discuss Seattle Real Estate Development

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Title: Real Estate Repurposing: What’s New in Seattle

I love historic buildings. I think that neighborhood icons, unique and well-built, should be preserved for the future. While there are many fantastic new pieces of architecture that bring in both classic lines and new designs, working with existing pieces that have a rich, colorful history and character not only keeps these buildings around for future generations, but also preserves the feeling that these treasures bring.

Repurposing buildings is a unique field in real estate development, but has been around since the earliest buildings were constructed. Whether the original structure has outlived its purpose, …show more content…

The inspection should do more than just look at the systems of the building. Yes, the heating, electrical, and plumbing should be in working order, but you should also look for environmental issues, structural problems, hazardous materials, air and land quality, and more. From the potential for being overrun by insects to looking at past uses of the building that may have compromised its current quality, there can be a lengthy checklist.

After your structure has received a clean bill of health, you can look into more extensive preservation phases. As Historic Seattle points out, “the ‘greenest’ building is one that is already standing.” The organization has pulled together some of the best practices in Seattle historic preservation, and works closely with the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods Historic Preservation department.

You’ll also want to talk to them about your preservation and repurposing project. After you’ve completed the inspection and due diligence, make sure you research the zoning of the property to develop use plans that are in line with the permitted usage of the