Sebastian Vizcaino Research Paper

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Did you know that Sebastian Vizcaino named Monterey Bay California after the Spanish Viceroy conde de Monterey. Is Sebastian Vizcaino was born and extra min to Spain in 1548 he was born into a rich family emergency later and his life he became a Spanish merchant / adventure he is mainly famous for mapping out and naming many of the places along coastline but he is also famous for being named General of the manilla galleons.
Sebastian Vizcaino was born in 1548 and extra min to Spain he was born into a very rich family of merchants. He married Magdalena Martinez orejon in 1590 and had 3 kids, juan who was born in 1591, Lorenzo was born in 1592, and Anna who was born in 1593.
In June 1596 the style mounted on an expedition from acapulco to the Sea of Cortez 's in an …show more content…

He departed Acapulco, Mexico with three ships, the San Diego, the San Tomas,and the Tres Reyes on May, 5th, 1602. On November 10th 1602 he entered and named San Diego Bay. December 13th 1602 he named and entered Monterey Bay after the Viceroy of Spain. While in Monterey Bay he sent back the San Tomas with those of his party who were sick or injured. 25 of the 34 men died on route. On January 3rd 1603 face dyanna Salem North Region drakes Bay in the San Diego on January 8th. During a storm he took shelter behind a point of land they he named Punta de los Reyes today 's Point Reyes. The Tres Reyes had gotten separated from the flagship in the storm but both ships continue north. The San Diego appears to have gotten as far as a cape that he named Cabo Blanco de San Sebastian. The Tres Reyes appears to have gotten as far as the Coquille river. The two ships returns alcapulco the sky you know virgin the port on February 21st , 1603,Having accomplished his mission to the satisfaction of his superiors in Mexico City and Madrid. In 1607 he was named General of the Manilla Galleons and given appreciable rewards. In 1608