
Secession Was The Primary Cause Of The Civil War

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The start of the Civil War is a very controversial subject. When looking at the Civil War one may argue that the root cause was secession. This is a reason behind the buildup of havoc, but there were prior far more important problems before the south decided they wanted to secede. Secession was not the primary cause of the Civil War because Slavery was an issue far before the states decided they wanted to secede. Some will agree that secession was the primary cause of the Civil War, but there were already prior conflicts between the North and the South due to Slavery. The Civil War was caused by the issue of slavery because abolitionists finally stepped up which led to the slave states not getting along with the free states. So for years on …show more content…

This shows how the free states wanted nothing to do with the slave states because they were abusing and overworking innocent African Americans. So free states didn’t want to be looked at as if they were allies with the slave states because it simply wasn’t a good look for America. Now having no union with the slave states, the free states believed that this would quickly increase the downfall of slavery because other countries might see the issue with slave states and cut off any trade with the states as well. As one can see Slavery was a problem far before the South decided to secede from the North. So the Civil War seemed to be looked at as slavery clearly being the cause of the War between the …show more content…

Though this may be true, secession was not the primary cause because slavery was a problem far before the South ever decided to secede. The United States didn’t want to have to secede from one another but they felt if there were no change with slavery it was bound to happen: “‘ Congress can contribute much to avert [Southern withdrawal from the Union] by proposing and recommending to the legislatures of the several States the remedy for existing evils which the Constitution has itself provided for its own preservation,... an ‘explanatory amendment’ of the Constitution on the subject of slavery...”’ (Buchanan 1860). This shows that they were even talking about adding a new amendment to the constitution strictly for slavery. Now the free states attempted to “make things better” by inviting the idea of adding an amendment for the protection of the slaves, but the South wanted nothing to do with this idea and wanted to proceed to just make money and not care about the innocent African American’s

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