Second Amendment And Enact Stricter Gun Laws

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Sandy Hook: December 14, 2012; 28 deaths. Pulse Nightclub: June 12, 2016; 50 deaths. Las Vegas Shooting: October 1, 2017; 59 deaths. Texas Church Shooting: November 5, 2017; 26 deaths. They all have one thing that links them all together: gun violence. These mass shootings are only becoming more frequent and the death toll is increasing. “Evil is evil is evil and will use the weaponry that is available.” Which is why I bring up the question: should we consider taking a look at the Second Amendment, and enact stricter gun laws? The answer: Yes, because the number of tragedies and deaths are not going to stop, just increase. Firstly, the Second Amendment was intended to protect the right of militias to own guns, not the right of individuals.