
Gun Violence Argumentative Essay

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In recent discussions of gun violence, a controversial topic has been whether we should ban guns. On the one hand, some argue that banning guns will decrease the amount of gun violence we have in America. On the other hand, however, others argue that banning guns is a violation of the 2nd amendment and that Americans should be allowed to carry. I believe that we need stricter gun control laws because the amount of deaths keeps increasing, it will lower gun related crimes, and decrease the amount of gang violence there is in America.
Gun violence has been rapidly increasing over the years claiming more innocent people lives. in 2014 there was an estimated 13,000 gun related deaths excluding suicides, now in 2023 we have and estimated 20,000 …show more content…

(Gun Violence in America, pg 1) This means that most crimes committed in the United States involve guns. In the same year the FBI showed that firearms were used in 68 percent of murders.(Gun Violence in America) this further proves that firearms cause more crimes. “Most homicides in the United States are committed with firearms, especially handguns”(Gun Violence in America, pg 1). In conclusion, if we were to make it harder for criminals to get guns, less gun violence would …show more content…

According to the article Gun Violence in America, Gun related homicide is most prevalent among gangs. They state “but by 1993, nearly all gang-related homicides involve guns (95 percent)” this means that most gangs use firearms to commit homicides and crimes. In 2008 gun related homicides dropped to 92 percent but homicides caused by firearms during the commission of a felony rose from 60 percent to about 74 percent from 1980 to 2005. (Gun Violence in America, pg 1) What’s bad about gangs having access to firearms is that they use violence to control neighborhoods. “use violence to control neighborhoods and boost their illegal money-making activities, which include robbery, drug and gun trafficking, prostitution and human trafficking, and fraud” (Gangs, pg 1). In conclusion we should make gun laws stricter because most gang related crimes involve guns. If we make it stricter, gangs would have less access to

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