Are Gangs Good Or Bad Essay

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Gangs are an issue because they are causing violence everywhere including America, they are also bringing drugs into these countries and causing more overdoses and more addictions. Another reason gangs are bad is because they are influencing minors to drop out of high school and ruin their lives by making bad decisions. The last reason gangs are bad is because they are ruining the cities and they are making cops' jobs way harder than they should be and they take people's lives for no reason. Gangs go back to the 1800s but they started doing these crimes more often within the past 25 years, they picked up one of the highest rates for homicides within the past 20 years and it has just been getting worse since then.
Important events involving …show more content…

This article says that gangs are an issue, it says “. However, that began to change significantly in 1991 when for the first time, gang-motivated homicides constituted 21% of the year’s murders”. ( Lemmer et al. 418) That evidence proves that one-way gangs are an issue is that they are starting to get involved with more homicides. The article says “ An established body of research indicates that gang-involved young people have an increased propensity to become both offenders and victims of crime, experience breakdowns in their familial and personal relationships, and engage in illicit substance use” (Thornberry et al., 2003; Krohn et al., 2011; Melde & Esbensen, 2011; Ozer & Engel, 2012; Weerman et al., 2015). This is another reason why gangs are an issue in this world, they are getting younger kids to join and it can ruin some of those kids' lives forever and they end up being involved with more crime than average. That is why gangs are an issue in this …show more content…

This article was saying “Aside from gaining some baseline level of respect to be considered a part of the group, violence is also a mechanism by which to gain a valued reputation in the gang” (Melde 146). This shows a better part of gangs that they have to prove themselves ready to be in a gang and they all respect each other and gain respect which teaches you some good in life although the way they do it still isn't the best option. This article said “These men and women provide honor guards for military funerals. … Motorcycle clubs exist that shouldn't be confused with (gangsters).”