Write An Essay On Kansas City Crime Rate

846 Words4 Pages

Daniel Munro
ELA 10
February 10, 2023
Crime Rate Prevention
Today a big problem in the Kansas City, Missouri area, also known as Jackson county, Missouri, is the crime rate. The crime rate is becoming an increasing problem, “Kansas City had the second-highest murder rate in the state at 0.35 cases per 1,000 people. The 176 murders committed in 2020 were the most in the city’s reported history dating back to 1985.”(Dustin1) The crime rate is a problem because murder does not exactly leave the best feeling with the people who know the victim; Murder also leaves a bad reputation for the city, which can hurt other factors such as tourism and possible hosting of events. Poverty in Kansas City, Missouri, is on the same scale as in Los Angeles. …show more content…

In the FBI study done in 2011, they came back with these reasons that affect the crime rate in cities. “Economic conditions include median income, poverty level, and job availability. Cultural factors and educational, recreational, and religious characteristics. Family conditions with respect to divorce and family cohesiveness.”(FBI1) The people in these areas grow up in harsh living conditions and not much guidance on how to make the right decisions or distinguish right from wrong. A report from background checks states that “Jackson County ranks third for the highest rate of gun deaths in the nation among mid-sized counties. The county has a rate of 34.6 gun-related deaths per 100,000 people, nearly an 87.1% difference from the national gun-related death rate of 13.6.” (Brianna2) Looking at this stat, it shows that many of these deaths come from guns, but in over half of suicides, a gun is used. Moreover, in over 3/4 of the homicides, a gun was used. This begs the question, would deadly crime go down if it is harder to get a gun? Maybe not the acts of crime themselves but the fatality of these crimes could possibly go down. In a perfect world, yes, the deadly crime would go down, but the fact is that most of the guns used in homicides are not legally …show more content…

To find that, here are some ideas that work for other cities. This is a program where in London they have crime in the underground, so they researched where it happened the most and at what times. Then they sent two patrol officers to the hot spots at the hot time to help cut down on the crime occurring. So they should send cops to the hot spots during the hot time. (National Institutes of Justice Crime Solutions 1) Another possible solution is a program where they mentor the children. Because many of these young children do not know what to do, or have anyone to look up to and show them what to do, so in this program, they mentor kids and try to stop the bad behavior before it starts. Show them right from wrong. In efforts to stop future crime. (National Institutes of Justice Crime Solutions

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