Gun Usage In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

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Levi Yates Ms. Ring English 10 Communications 08-02-2023 Gun Usage in the United States Guns can be used in the wrong way, and the reasoning behind gun misuse is not as well known. It is possible to see gun abuse and misuse caused by a lack of security around guns, the rash decision to consider gun usage to fix any one person’s problems, and one’s race or culture. Not only that, but gun violence and the factors behind gun violence are also relatable to real-world cases in the story To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Gun usage in violence is determined by many things and has causes which are caused by secondary causes. In the story To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, gun usage is disliked but doesn’t go unmentioned, and may also be hinted …show more content…

According to the Washington Post, 76% of school shooters gain access to the weapons and guns used during a school shooting from homes, where weapons are easily accessible, and much less likely to be securely stored. This poses to be a very large threat, as that essentially shows how children have easy access to dangerous guns, and in the hands of irresponsible people, may pose a threat to the safety of others. Furthermore, as stated by Quandl (Owned by the Nasdaq,) “In 2012, 45% of households had possession of a gun.” This percentage shows how 9/20 children may be influenced by parents or guardians to take advantage of the weapons possessed in this house, and the environment in which raised the child may factor into potential gun usage and abuse by the child. From data taken in 2011 regarding gun usage, “According to the FBI, guns are by far the preferred murder weapon in the US, featuring in 8,583 of 12,664 murders in 2011” (Quandl). Essentially, guns made up nearly three out of four murder cases for 2011, which may also be caused due to the influence of guns in homes, and usage and encouragement to use guns by parents or guardians. That goes without saying, Guns are not kept in the right environment and are not held securely or used properly, which will influence children in gun-owning households, or others of gun-owning …show more content…

Well, as studies shown by the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, the main root causes of gun violence include poor Income equality, poverty, underfunded public housing, under-resourced public services, underperforming schools, lack of opportunities, and among other things, easy access to firearms. This really plays into how gun abuse is not just encouraged by one’s mental state, but instead is built up by one’s surroundings. Also stated by the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, exposure to gun violence is generally caused by PTSD, Antisocial behavior, Depression, stunted brain development, alcohol & substance abuse/use, and an increased likelihood to engage in violence. Arguably, some may say these are what causes gun violence, but most of these causes of gun violence are generally caused or influenced by something else, like one’s surroundings and environment. From the National Alliance on Mental Illness California, “The overwhelming majority of people with mental illnesses are not violent. Most people with mental health conditions will never become violent, and mental illness does not cause most gun violence. In fact, studies show that mental illness contributes to only about 4% of all violence, and the contribution to gun violence is even lower” (namica). Mental illnesses are rarely seen in cases of gun violence and are not what should be what people determine gun abuse cases to be caused by. The

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