Secret Life Of Bees Symbolism

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Sue Monk Kidd’s novel, The Secret Life of Bees, Kidd indirectly characterizes, Lily as a follower, because she longing desire to fit in with the other girls at her school. Lily, the protagonist of the story, does not fit in with her classmates at Sylvan Junior High. Lily went to charm school at the Women’s Club to try and learn how to be a girl. One of the other ways Lily tried to fit in was when she asked her father, T. Ray, for a silver charm bracelet, just like the ones every girl at school had. “I wanted to tell T. Ray that any girl would love a silver charm bracelet, that in fact last year I’d been the only girl at Sylvan Junior High without one, that whe whole point of lunchtime was to stand in the cafeteria line jangling your