
See You In Court Summary

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The book See you in Court” by Gary J. Chester dispelled the myth that all attorney’s and those in the legal system are righteous and are always working for the benefit of the client. As a matter of fact many of the stories in the book proved that our current legal system can be considered flawed with concerns around ethics and morals. Most people have the perception that lawyers are highly paid, educated, honest, and work to support the underdog. Cases where lawyers sue big corporations or defend the rights of those who have been unjustly treated have long been the standard profile of those in our legal system. Yet after reading “See you in Court” the chapter on Ambulance Chasers gives me a different perspective. In addition it makes …show more content…

Many times even though the system was followed a defendant who is guilty can go free. The criminal justice systems three components are often critized and blamed when a guilty party goes free. The first part of the system, law enforcement often provides the most confidence since it often deals with facts and data. The second component which involves attorneys, jury’s, and witnesses can be used as another example where ethics can be in question. Many times as in the case with OJ Simpson jury selection and lining up witnesses can set the trial up for a specific outcome. Once the media and general public become involved in a high profile case it can many times become impossible to have a trial that is not tampered with.
My impression of the perfect legal system has been dispelled. The true legal system as evidenced by the stories in the book leaves me with the impression that you can’t always trust the legal system to provide justice for all. Lawyers are not above the law and they are not always working to see justice served. Money and power are in many cases the motivators for not always doing the right thing. While some of the activities the lawyer participates in are not illegal it can be

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