
Segregation In The Other Side By Jaqueline Woodson

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Segregation was not the same back then as it is nowadays. In The Other Side written by Jaqueline Woodson, a little African American girl lives on one side of a fence which separated her and her family from the Caucasian families. After reading The Other Side by Jaqueline Woodson, the reader can analyze the tone, symbolism, and audience.

The fence in the story is used to symbolize segregation at this point in history. Clover, the African American girl often sees Annie, the Caucasian girl, sitting on the fence, but Clover knows not to speak to her, as the book states, “And Mama said, “Don’t climb over that fence when you play.” She said it wasn’t safe.” The tone of this story is compassionate. Clover shows compassion towards Annie, because
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