Selected Snobberies, By Aldous Huxley

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Snobbery can be defined as the act of looking down on others based on their social status, wealth, education, or other criteria. It is a form of elitism that creates a hierarchy of worth based on arbitrary and superficial factors, and it can have negative consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. In his essay "Selected Snobberies," Aldous Huxley identifies several different types of snobbery that exist in society. These include: Intellectual snobbery: This is the tendency to look down on others who are less educated or less intelligent. Intellectual snobbery can manifest itself in various ways, such as through the use of jargon or by dismissing certain types of knowledge as less valuable than others. Social snobbery: This type of snobbery is based on social status and can …show more content…

Regional snobbery can manifest itself in the way that people speak, the types of food they eat, and the activities they enjoy. Aesthetic snobbery: This type of snobbery is based on personal taste and can include things like fashion, art, and music. Aesthetic snobbery can be seen in the way that people dress, the types of art they appreciate, and the music they listen to. While snobbery can have negative consequences, Huxley argues that it can also be beneficial for the health of society. By creating a hierarchy of worth, snobbery can motivate people to strive for higher levels of education, culture, and refinement. It can also provide a sense of identity and belonging for those who are part of a particular social group or cultural movement. However, Huxley also acknowledges that snobbery can have negative consequences, particularly when it leads to exclusion and discrimination against those who are perceived as inferior. Snobbery can create social divisions and reinforce existing power structures, making it difficult for people to move up in the social