Self-Esteem And Cognitive Dissonance Theory

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Ladies submerge a focal piece of themselves in life choices as well as in the everyday bargains and conformities that living intimately with someone else. According to Waller and MacDonald (2010), women prefers house perfect and deliberate while she is neglectful of her surroundings; she listens to nation western tunes while her husband requests news of the world; he leaves the latrine seat up, she requires it down. In Pakistan, women have a tendency to be exceedingly social and subsequently sharpened to the requirements of others. They are more probable than men to trade off and suit. In a cozy organisation, one that requires profound and sensitive transaction, she might be more open to submitting to another person's needs than defending her …show more content…

These attitudes can be negative or positive which can impact their psychological well-being (Rosenberg, 1979). Festinger (1957) introduced the theory of cognitive dissonance and several theories explaining self-esteem and cognition about the self. Cognitive dissonance theory recommends people have an inner drive to keep all their beliefs and attitudes in harmony and keep away dissonance. A person’s attitude can transform due to different factors within the person. An important factor of self-esteem is the principle of cognitive consistency. Stone and Cooper (2001) introduced self-standard models of cognitive dissonance. Theories such as self-affirmation (Steele, 1998) and self-consistency (Aronson, 1968) can also be applied to understand …show more content…

Not only are relations essential for survival but also perform an important role in a person’ self-worth and self-esteem. Previous studies have suggested that although close friendships and marriage share many factors, they also have distinctive provisions. For example, Weiss’ (1974) suggested the study of attachment relationships shows marriage offers an individual with many provisions however is not enough to provide sense of worth and mutual confiding and trust. Researcher Cooley (1902) study of looking-glass theory suggested feedback from other individuals as a source of self-esteem. It is demonstrated that compared to males, females romantic relationships are more likely to contribute to their self-esteem (Crammer, 1990). Arguably life experiences for males and females differ in important ways and so self-definitional processes for the sexes may differ (Joseph et al 1992). Joseph et al (1992) suggested self-esteem core derives in part from succeeding at what is valued by their socio-cultural group. Men more than women originate their self-esteem from accomplishment in conditions where they can support their independence and dominance. While, women more than men establish their self-esteem from accomplishment in condtions where they can get relations with others.

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