Reflection On Selfishness

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We think that this is the ‘me’ generation. In fact, every period in history has fit that label. All throughout recorded history we see selfishness rearing its ugly face. Selfishness says the world revolves around me. Yahweh says everything revolves around Him. When we act selfishly we break this commandment by thinking of oneself as an elohim. When we put ourselves above Yahweh, we tend to rationalize Yahweh’s laws or we ignore His law. We all have some selfishness left in us. Did it ever do anything good in your life? Selfishness leads eventually to loneliness and eternal death if it is the center of your life. Oh what a difference from the promise of eternal life and love and meaning in this life that is. Secular humanist and …show more content…

We have all been taught that self-esteem was right. We are seeing the result of great self-esteem as other students are killing kids. Self-esteem is selfishness if we think of our self higher than where Yahweh says we are. Self-esteem is focusing on thinking of oneself highly. The opposite of self-esteem is Yahweh esteem. Yahweh esteem loves Yahweh and seeing our self as Yahweh sees us. He calls us to humble our self; that is hard to do if we are focusing on loving our self. If we focus on loving ourselves then we take that love away from Yahweh. We make ourselves an elohim if we esteem our life more highly than it should be. You have probably heard it said that you have to love yourself before you can love others. This is a lie from the pit. The truth is you have to allow Yahweh’s love to envelop you before you can love others. Note that this has nothing to do with loving our self. We are all sinners and destined to hell if we do not put our faith in Yahshua. Yahweh expects to be Lord of our life. In doing that we have to give up the only thing we truly own, our will. Yahshua in His omnipotence gives grace to all who accept Him as Lord and savior. Focus on Yahweh, His only son Yahshua and His spirit and get a true blessing and get eternal