
Sell Out Not Worth The Risk Essay

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Music is changing as people know they can just go on Amazon music or Spotify and listen to whatever song there heart desires. Doesn't go the same for the creators who make this music every day they are loosing more and more money by the hour. If they are smart they will adapt and change there ways to make a reasonable profit or they will just fade away as if a memory.

People go out and see bands on tour all the time and see how the expensive guitars and giant speakers blasting out and it looks spectacular no doubt, but are they really making a a profit and if they are is it really worth the effort? Posted by "Shane Blay" they not making money at all, each night they made six hundred dollars which sounds like a lot of money but in reality …show more content…

As stated in the article "Selling Out Not Worth the Risk" some bands try and make money by going with companies like Apple, Amazon or Spotify, but all this comes with a price and it can be the reason people drop out of the music business completely. Starting off with the stress the artist need to make music that is good and appealing to the most amount of people possible and make the song looks impressive or looks like something people would want to see. It takes a lot of energy to make a song and then have to make some sort of appearance for the song it can be extremely stressful for song writers and they don't even try and think of the song anymore they just think of the money. Take Justin Bever for example he used to play songs when he was younger to have fun and he wanted people to enjoy them but now he is just throwing together whatever he can so he doesn't get fired or replaced and judging by what kind of person he has become it says something. But that is IF they become successful. It can be so stressful that it physically changes there appearance and make them want to start smoking or do drugs just to get away from all of the peer pressure of making something reasonable or

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