Semi-Structured Interview Research Paper

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Semi-structured Interview

DIAGNOSTIC INTERVIEW “A routine clinical interview should include questions about clients’ habits of using prescription and/or illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine” (Nace & Tinsley, 2007). It also includes information on the environment, which the addict is surrounded by, medical information, and family connections (enablers).


Nace, E. P., & Tinsley, J. A. (2007). Patients with substance abuse problems: Effective identification, diagnosis, and treatment . New York: W. W. Norton.
The appropriateness of the use of the tool is so that the clinician may be aware of the issues and the circumstances of the client/patient patterns. The objective is to interview all involved in the process …show more content…

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 51(3), 390 – 395 .

The model’s importance is to determine the stage or point the client is at and how to move forward through various changes.

In any case, the client either in therapy or consulting with a counselor, or person in the field of study who utilizes models the guidelines or directives. The trans- theoretical model is to appropriate the six stages which are; peoples’ experience in making changes, whether the changes are in therapy or not: precontemplation, contemplation, determination, action, maintenance, and relapse motivational interviewing with substance abuse clients.
However, the model’s importance is to determine the stage or point the client is at and how to move forward through various changes.

In any case, the client either in therapy or consulting with a counselor, or person in the field of study who utilizes models the guidelines or directives. The trans- theoretical model is to appropriate the six stages which are; peoples’ experience in making changes, whether the changes are in therapy or not: precontemplation, contemplation, determination, action, maintenance, and relapse motivational interviewing with substance abuse clients …show more content…



“The DUSI-R (Drug Use Screening Inventory-Revised) is a commercially available 159-item screening instrument. It is suitable for adolescent, but with different norms, compared to the adult version. The evaluator tool has 10 domains for screening clients which are: alcohol and drug use, behavior patterns, psychiatric disorder, family system, health status, social competence, school performance, work adjustment, peer relationships, and leisure/ recreation”(Your health check, n.d) Retrieved from URL.


The tool does not note final diagnostic cut-score, yet clinicians must determine the final assessment and monitor changes.