Economic Analysis In Healthcare

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The first commitment of an ethical physician is to the patient. However, money could prevent that commitment to the patient. Physicians might think that small improvements for clinical outcomes is not worth the money. When money is spent to make medical improvement, it should be based on medical care that would have a greater benefits or meaningful purpose. In order to improve the physician's choices, they should be taught to use social and individual resources for clinical interventions. Economic analysis is when decisions are made by cost and outcome. There are many factors when it comes to economic analysis. Cost- identification is calculating the cost of the cause of a disease or because of the medical services used to treat it. The measurement …show more content…

Physicians must use evidence from clinical trials and studies as a recommendation to patient. Evidence of medical effectiveness has brought up creation of different public policies that include improving efficiency and outcomes. The Affordable Care Act showed support for the involvement in health research of patients. The article shows information from the Community Forum Deliberative Methods Demonstration project. The participants of this study were given materials about medical research, evidence and comparative effectiveness research. The participants came from diverse background, balanced education materials and giving participants an opportunity to all have a discussion. They believed that doctors have a responsibility to discuss evidence with patients and to be aware of evidence based guidelines from professional medical societies. When patients are educated and have an understanding of medical evidence there will be an impact on their decision making. Participants believed that the evidence is imperfect, which is changing over time. I agree with this because since there is always now research coming out the physicians won't be fully informed right away which could affect patient …show more content…

The purpose of this study is to find evidence of health care provider racism and measuring racism among healthcare providers. The participants were healthcare providers, physicians, nurses, support staff and administration staff. Providers rated patients based on the lack of social support, exaggerate discomfort, fail to comply with medical advice, abuse drugs, physically active lifestyle and initiate a malpractice. The information used in this study showed that over two thirds found evidence of racism among healthcare providers. There was no pattern found based on country, study population, healthcare setting or measurement approach. Even though there was evidence found there are other factors that could influence the study. The other factors were socioeconomic status, employment status, and family situation. The categories that were in the study was not able to show the comparison of racism and providers. I agree with this because there are many factors that don't contribute to racism in the medical field. I believe that this study could deal with the difference of care in difference races based on access of care and quality of