Sensory Overload In Brave New World

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In Brave New World there are many pleasures that are constantly heaped upon the people everyday. The pleasures include sex, drugs, sports, work, and constant entertainment which cause sensory overload, a way to escape the mundanities of daily life and an unhealthy addiction to not wanting to think and a constant craving for stability and a hatred for change. Really, the main underlying purpose of the pleasures is so the people in power can maintain power and control over everyone and keep the facade of a “Utopian Society” in tact. In BNW, as a way to maintain control over people, people are occupied and bombarded with information to the point of sensory overload. Causing this are the society’s compulsive nature and obsessions with drugs (soma), …show more content…

The World State frowns upon free thought, they would much rather have people take drugs and have fun to distract them from reality; case in point Bernard who by the end of the book conforms to what society wants him to be. People are creatures of habit who crave stability once we have stability and habits we tend to not change. We slowly slip into a cycle or routine which after a while requires little to no brain power. A common morning routine for a normal person going something like this: wake up, get ready and dressed, make coffee and eat, check phone, head out the door to work or school. A simple routine like that doesn’t take long to master and do it like second nature. Add drugs and super stimulants to that like sports and sex and you’ll get walking mindless dummies who have developed a sense of mindless stability based solely on their urges and the fact that they don’t really have to do much to achieve what they want when they want. If individual freedoms have gone out the window in BNW and society is based on community within those communities people have developed a sense of stability. Stability is even mentioned the first page of the book the motto for the World State being “CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE, and, in a shield, the World State 's motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY” (1.1). With a sense of stability and being over …show more content…

Instead of working and leading a boring life who wouldn’t wanna take drugs, have sex, play fun games, do fun stuff and party all the time. People always say they wanna be famous and live like celebrities, that’s kinda what famous people do, party, have fun and do illicit things. So even though they’re trying to control people, there probably are a few people in the society of Brave new World who are okay with it because for them it means they won’t have to work. Ultimately however, it’s up to individual to either go along or fight against