Separate But Equal In The Help By Tate Taylor

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Tate Taylor, the director of The Help, set in Jackson Mississippi 2009. Is a movie filled with all different characters and personalities. However,

“Separate but equal”

In the scene where black maids are seen raising white children instead of their own. Shows “Separate but equal,” because where are the white women and the mother of there child. It has become black African Americans job to take care of their children and to teach them everything. It will never achieve equality, they can’t achieve this because it was a given job for maids to complete, they had no say. The maids are not only taking care of everything for the white families, although somebody else is taking care of their own children. Because that would be equal and that would not be fair for the white women who chose to have a child and refuses to take care of it. As seen in the film Aibileen a black African American maid is seen raising Mae Mobley and stating to her “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” Making sure that she does not turn into the future generation where equality is viewed as not important, …show more content…

At the time Ms Skeeter cannot comprehend the situation of what is going on, because of this reasoning Aibileen needs to walk home. It does not seem important although that was the only black bus available for her and the rest of them are for white people only. By no means Skeeter would never want Aibileen to miss her bus and have to walk home, that would be racially incorrect of her. Skeeter can’t comprehend how different her life is compared to maids and people of colour. She doesn’t have a proper understanding of how difficult their lives are, because of the separate but equal laws and regulations. Aibileen is seen frustrated at Skeeter although she is trying to help, Skeeter hasn’t

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