Separation Of Religion In Public Schools

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The United States and the Separation of Church and State Is religion truly band from public educational systems? Religion and public classrooms have always had an almost awkward relationship. There’s a line in between forcing an opinion and simply have one, that line should never be intentionally crossed. In order to avoid crossing that line, the United States has put laws and regulations in place for the public education system that guide how to speak about religion and when to speak about religion. Even though following these guidelines does not guarantee there will not be a negative response to some of the things said about religion it does guarantee the government will back up the school in following those laws. Different states handle …show more content…

Schools are not required to follow these rules however if they do not follow them, they may no longer receive funding from the government. Some of these laws include that public school officials may never organize or mandate a religious practice and/or prayer on school property. However, students and teachers may pray individually or in small groups as long as they are not disrupting, taunting, or harming others. Teachers may not practice any religious prayer or tradition that also involves a student. Students should never be held to separate standards because of religious views. Schools may partake in moments of silence but should give a choice on whether to pray in these moments or to not. Students may partake in religious debates as long as it is not distracting from class time, or is cause emotional or physical harm to another student. Teachers may not express personal opinions during these debates. Teachers may not silence, ridicule, or rule out a remark made on one’s personal religious belief if they are not going to silence, ridicule, or rule out a remark made on a personal opinion that may not be religious. Those are all laws put in place to try and guide religion from distracting or causing harm, or offense in public …show more content…

Therefore, students with appropriate parental permission may be dismissed from class time in order to partake in a religious event or practice. Public school systems may not deny students this opportunity simply because it is religious. School officials may approve or disapprove of advertisement of religious activities held at or away from the school. However, in disapproval public school officials should not be discriminative against a select one or multiple religions. Students should be able to demonstrate a religious belief in a non harmful way through artwork, writing, and other class work or projects. These presentations should be graded with the same standards and the same opportunity as work not displaying a religious beliefs. These rules are all put in place to allow students to keep their religious freedom in the