Prayer In Public Schools Research Paper

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Prayer in public schools became an issue in 1960. A woman by the name of Madalyn Murray O’Hair sued the Baltimore, Maryland school system, because her son William J Murray was allegedly being forced to participate in prayer at the public school he attended. The American Atheist Organization, alongside Madalyn’s actions consequently led to the Supreme Court ruling in the 1960s. On June 17, 1963, the Supreme Court published its ruling on the case. The Supreme Court ruled that Bible reading and prayer in schools were unconstitutional. Justice Tom C. Clark, who wrote the court ruling, wrote that religious freedom is embedded in our public and private life, and while freedom of worship is indispensable in America, the government must be neutral …show more content…

Justifiable is defined as rightful; warranted or sanctioned by law; that which can be shown to be sustained by law. Prayer is as an act of communion with God, a god, or another object of worship, such as devotion, confession, praise, or thanksgiving. Religion is defined as a belief that must be sincerely held, and within the believer’s own scheme of things religious. Religion can also be defined as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human …show more content…

The American government is a democracy. A democracy is a government by the people; rule of the majority. Three-quarters of Americans favor prayer in public schools. Not allowing prayer in public schools rules in the minority. In 2000, after the Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe ruling, support for allowing voluntary prayer in public schools and at graduation ceremonies remained around 75%, and has changed little in the years. A Gallup survey also revealed that 77% of American support public school facilities being available after hours for student religious groups to use. All of this evidence reveals that majority of the American people support prayer in public school. Therefore, not allowing prayer in public schools is tyranny of the