Servant Speaker Research Paper

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What does it mean to be a Servant Speaker?
Servant speaking is a gift from God that is a display of an individual’s character and skills, it should be used to serve others. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” The gift of speech includes the gift of language; language is a varied topic and is directly correlated with culture. Language and speaking connect people from different cultures together and eliminate a barrier. We can do so much with our language, such as, encourage, ridicule, pray, and so much more. When speaking, we are to speak with a purpose, whether that be to please, inform persuade or all of the above. Servant speakers are called to speak God’s word and be accountable to God and to others. According to Schultze, “Christian speech defines reality in tune with the word of God, demonstrates accountability to neighbor, self, and ultimately God and imitates Jesus and his godly followers” (P.28). This means that as Christians, we are to imitate Jesus and be like him in everything we do, especially our speech. As servant speakers, we have a desire to explore and share our experiences with one another. We gain knowledge through not only our own experiences but also by paying attention to other’s experiences and …show more content…

All our verbal and nonverbal naming should serve God and neighbor.” (P. 29) Verbal and nonverbal should always serve God and the people we influence. “Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues” (Proverbs 17:28). Speech equips people “to listen and learn, conduct trade, worship, debate the issues of the day and communicate” (P.12) together. Servant speaking is a calling for all Christians to speak life to others, and share God’s word. They are to be faithful and serve their audiences (in a Biblical sense), have patience when speaking and use