Sex Offenders In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Book, The Scarlet Letter, Hester was required to wear an A, a symbol for her crime of adultery. Back then, this seemed to work in the Puritan society, but is it effective today? Today, we have a symbol for sex offenders. Sex offenders cannot live near children or schools, and they have to register as an offender for the rest of their life. But what about those who confessed to their crime, learn from their mistakes, and never do it again? They will have to live with the burden for the rest of their life. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester had to do just that. Hester stood on the scaffold in front of the public as punishment for her affair. But in the seven years she spent serving her punishment, she realized that she did wrong, confessed, and she never did anything like that again. The point is, that Scarlet Letter Laws are unfair compared to the rest of society’s laws today. No other law will require you to register as a sex offender, and restrict you to live near children for the rest of your life. However, there are some aspects of it that are needed, especially if the person is a repeat sex offender. The flaws of the Scarlet Letter Laws are clear. People can change, …show more content…

A new Georgia law forbids registered sex offenders to live or work within 1000 feet of schools, daycares, churches, swimming pools, and even school bus stops. However, according to Source D (Homeless Sex Offender Faces Life Term in Augusta), “Homelessness is not an acceptable excuse.” Now tell me, how do you expect a registered sex offender to even have a home after they get out of jail? Yes, some of them might live with family, but some of them don’t even have that option. Another law that was passed in Florida in October of 2001, required women to run ads in newspapers describing themselves and their sexual histories, if they wanted to put up a child for adoption AND couldn’t find the child’s

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