Sexual Inequality In The Handmaid's Tale

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“I have traveled far but where have I reached? I have adapted to roles that have changed like tides of sea. I give you all, you take all from me yet won’t place me where I am meant to be, won’t give me what is due to me. Not only you, all of humanity.” This is a poem on Women Speak, spoken by the voice of past and present dutiful daughters, mothers, and wives (Womenspeak). The Handmaid’s Tale is a story about power, control, and sexuality. Although it is just a book, and to some people, it might seem like sexual inequality could never happen, this has happened and it is still happening in most countries. Sexual inequality sets unfair standards in society and needs to change. This can clearly be seen through the effects of power, control, and sexuality that is withheld from women.
In the Handmaid's Tale, the government has taken every possible step to overpower women, both mentally and physically. Women have lost a sense of self-identity and individualism. They can no longer read, …show more content…

Offred is one of the women who is been one of the “lucky.” She is one of the women who are being chosen to be a baby maker. And women like that are more valued for their ovaries. The Handmaid's Tale is a powerful story full of pain and sadness. The film and novel describe women's bodies as a men’s property. The story tells a tale of women who no longer have control over their bodies or life. In the beginning of this novel, the opening shows a scene full of sadness that is being felt by so many families. In the beginning of the movie, we see a family being torn apart. One sees Offred’s husband being shot by the government, capturing Offred and leaving her daughter behind. When Offred is torn from her dead husband and her daughter, one sees the world where women aren’t women, but property. This is a compelling scene that grabs many hearts. This is the story about power and control. Women have no voice and no