Human Sex Education Essay

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Human sexuality encompasses the sexual knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, values and behaviors of individuals. Its various dimensions include the anatomy, physiology and bio chemistry of the sexual response system. The expression of sexuality is influenced by ethical, spiritual, cultural and moral concerns. Sexuality education is a lifelong process that begins at birth. Parents, family, religion and the media influence the messages people receive about sexuality at all stages of life. These messages can be conflicting, incomplete and inaccurate. About 50% of the world’s population is under the age of 20 years and are at the highest risk of sexual and reproductive health problems therefore making sexuality the root of most sexual and reproductive health problems (Briggs, 1999). …show more content…

The male anatomy has great functional value. The purpose of the organs of the male reproductive system is to produce, maintain …show more content…

Teenagers are unaware of in most instances that sexually transmitted diseases exists which causes great emotional and physical harm such as infertility, infections of newborns, cervical cancer, increased risk of HIV transmission and death. The most common sexually transmitted diseases are gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and HIV. Some of these diseases can be cured while others cannot be cured. While it is can be cured it causes great harm to the human body. It is believed that major emphasis needs to be placed into implementing ways of educating students at the secondary level of such because of not taking precautions or due to