Shadows Short Story

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Shadows traveled counterclockwise as the sun set in the east. Long, made up stories in the minds of children were getting shorter and the acting of them became more static and less fluid. They became ideas, then thoughts, then numerous worlds from which to choose from or worries. The kids stepped backwards from the field and into the warm house where plates were empty. Every time the fork traveled from their mouths, food was added and put back together until breakfast was ready. The scrambled eggs were placed into the pan. It began to sweat then liquify, as the white and yellow separated and the delicate film of the yolk encased it again. It streamed upward back into the broken shell. The two pieces of shell fit together like a puzzle and sealed shut to keep the liquid in. It was put into the carton and back to be chilled in the fridge. The children rubbed their eyes until they closed more and more as they lay down so their eyes were sealed. The world still turned but it did so to go back to a spot it had been before. One child went into a car that drove backwards as the dust and rocks settled underneath …show more content…

The child walked backwards to the barn where a lamb lay in straw with its head down. The child said soft words and petted the thick wool but only briefly. Into the house, the child went to form the supper on the plate. The finished supper was placed onto the hot pan until it became raw and cold. The child traveled back outside. Gently lifting the lamb’s head and a small rubber pan. Sugar and water poured from the lamb’s mouth into the pan so the child could bring it inside and put back into the pot that warmed it so the water and sugar separated and became cold. The process was repeated with many times. Before the pan was filled back up again though, the child spent each time, a long time, stroking the lamb’s head towards her. She pulled straw and warmth away from it and finally