Shakespeare By H W Longfellow Analysis

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Shakespeare by H.W. Longfellow is a traditional poem that showcases the human nature of idolism, through the vivid imagery and beautiful literacy techniques. His work praises Shakespeare in Shakespeare 's own style. This poem had a great social impact, and at the time was a helpful addition to the progression of society. Today, however the messages in this verse transfer to a slightly harmful message.

This work is a traditional poem, as is evident with the old language and word order. The most outstanding part of this poem, however, is the great detail in the description. There are so many remarkable literacy techniques showcased. The first is the setting out of the poem: it follows Shakespeare 's 14-line sonnet. This is a subtler nod to the great writer, the more …show more content…

This poem may seem old and irrelevant, but it is significant to the modern day. How many people have an idol? How many worship that person or persons? How many compare them to gods? In the 19th century, idolism was beneficial. England was changing, and more and more people were working in factories. It was a dismal life. The people needed hope. They needed stories to take them away from reality. At that time, a hero was needed. To idolise a person was to imagine oneself in likeness to them. By doing so, it helped the working-class escape reality, and the rich to be entertained. However, in this day and age, idolism can be detrimental to the health of a society. It can lead to an unhealthy fixation on such person, and as a result a distorted image on oneself. It is all well and good to admire others, but to place them above all else can have serious negative consequences. Revering models or sports stars can lead to eating disorders and psychological issues. "It can be a way of avoiding rather than dealing with problems," (Dr Tony Cassidy; Independent Magazine). This poem was written at the height of infatuation, which reflects underlying psychological issues that humanity still struggles with