Pros And Cons Of Parental Leave

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According to the definition from Cambridge dictionary, parental leave may first be defined as a time a parent is allowed to spend away from work to take care of his or her baby and it also acts as a protection for working parents, may be paid or otherwise with the virtue of various provisions provided by their respective country and government. Generally, many growing and industrialised countries provide some sort of parental leave including United Kingdom, Japan, Sweden and Norway. Starting from the maternity leave laws provided by the UK government in 1975, they now have advanced and introduced a new policy, the shared parental leave regulation. In analyzing this policy, the general idea and concept of the regulation is observed, the positive and negative perspectives of the regulation, requirements, effects as well as challenges and problems of the law. Firstly, the main idea of this regulation is to promote a system that allows parents to share leaves which at the same time removes the …show more content…

Additional paternity leave will disregarded and mothers may now transfer her remaining maternity leave to her partner. Women too can continue to have her 52 weeks maternity leave or choose to use the shared parental leave after giving a curtailment notice to stop her maternity leave . Parents therefore can devide the 50 weeks of shared parental leave between each other or devide the 37 weeks of statutary maternity pay also afterwords will be known as shared parental pay. Moving forwards in regards of the terms and conditions during shared parental leave, it is provided that for employees who takes the leave will be entitled to the benefits of an employee who did not took the leave of absent but are bound by obligations arising under his/her employement terms and