Shark Wars Book Report

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Shark Wars

Did you know even under water there is a war going on, not by humans but by sharks. It is not all peace in Shark Wars written by Ej Altbacker. Shark Wars is about a reef shark named grey who causes trouble in his hometown. Eventually he will get banished and has to survive on his own. He ends up wandering into a different species of sharks territory looking for food. He has to help them fight in a war in order to get food and a shelter. An adventurous characters, off-this-world setting and an ineffective theme make Shark Wars a book all shark lovers will pick up.
What happens if someone ever saw a group of sharks fighting another group until their last breath. “You are hereby banished by Coral Shiver” (51) This will make some people think about …show more content…

Third person and present tense.

Very Few Errors: no distraction from meaning. Third person and present tense.
Some distracting Errors.
Third person and present tense.

Serious Errors; Third person / present tense inconsistent.
Unacceptable errors.
Third person or present tense not used.
Sophisticated and mature word choice; varied sentence structure; unique personal style.
Developing specific word choice; some variety of sentence structure.
General word choice; simple or repetitive sentence structure.
Misused words; general / simple word choice;
Weak sentence structure.
Word choice and/ or sentence structure creates confusion.
Consistent use of a variety of transitional strategies which lead readers through the piece.
Some use of transitions to help clarify relationships between ideas and paragraphs.
Weak transitions: Intro jumpy; Body paragraphs not connected.
Lacking or weak transitions.
No attempt at transitioning..
Literary Elements
Three elements well supported with insight and reflection. Quotes embedded in commentary.
Three elements supported with quotes but may not be explained in