Shawna Mcdonald Tradition Analysis

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Traditional by: shawna mcdonald

Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay. Tradition are important in so many way most people think tradition are nothing it a time to relax. Tradition are more than a time to yourself a tradition is a time to thanks for thing, telling stories, or bring families together. One of my tradition going to magic springs or silver dollar city every summer. We take our whole family that, and our dogs to the hotel.

Our tradition is a good example because my cousin live 5 hours away. So when there come down we good to silver dollar city. Another thing we do is we eat at mcdonald the first night we get to silver dollar city. We also go to the same hotel and get rooms right by each other. That was my first reason and here our some other reason. …show more content…

Why this is important is because it keeps families more active and you can connect more than just over the phone. I do not get to see my cousin 5 times a year. So having this tradition help keep my family close together and not so apart. So that is my second my last reason