Why Is Quinceaneras Important

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There are 440,000 Quinceaneras celebrated per year. Quinceaneras are very important in Hispanic culture. Entrance into womanhood is the focus of the celebration. Quinceaneras are an honored tradition in Spanish culture, that celebrates the entrance into womanhood, and symbolizes many aspects of womanhood.

Quinceanera is the Spanish word for a 15-year-old girl. Quinceaneras originated from the ancient customs of Aztecs. In 1520, the Spanish attacked and invaded Mexico and took over their leadership. (They brought their foreign influence to the indigenous tradition that existed already among the Aztecs).(2017 funfact). Some Spanish tradition were also developed from Incas, Mayas, and Toltes. In Aztec, Indian culture their empire thrived during late 1400 and early 1500’s. Young girls were considered marriage ready at the age of 15 thats why they celebrate Quincearneras. Quinceanera tradition spread to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, central and south America. …show more content…

It celebrates the importance of womanhood, and the changes that occur has in her body. In Hispanic tradition, the 15th year is a rite of passage. At the age of 15, in Hispanic culture, they were viewed as mother and fathers. Childhood is a very important stage in their culture, but when they become 15 it separates childhood from womanhood. It shows maturity and how much she has grown. It is also celebrated for religious and social event. They emphasize the importance of family and society in the life of young

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