
Shin Ho Kwan Creed Quotes

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When you join Shin Ho Kwan you not only join a family you also take a creed. A creed is a code of sorts that doesn't just end when you leave the dojang it changes the way you live. The physical aspects of the creed are that your heart and body are allot more relaxed so your body can recover better. The mental aspects are a very stress free life and mostly positive emotion control. The social aspects are that people know that you are a trusting and honorable person. Shin Ho Kwan has a total of 10 rules in the creed that are as such

1. I resolve to cherish all life.
2. I resolve to tell the truth.
3. I resolve to respect my parents, teachers and elders.
4. I resolve not to speak of the faults of others, but to be understanding and sympathetic. …show more content…

Telling the truth does allot more than make you trusting, it makes your life simpler and also have nothing to fear. “We can only control people if we tell half-truth; if we shade what’s true, but if we tell the total truth, then our inside is on the outside. There is nothing hidden inside. For most human beings, to have their inside exposed on the outside brings up incredible fear.” – Adyashanti. However telling the truth is never easy but, the truth has incredible power by itself and is a very simple component for living fulfilling life. It is not only beneficial for the person who is telling the truth, but also for the person who is told the truth. Let’s be honest, most of the time, we don’t tell the full truth in order to “manipulate” or to not “hurt” people around us. Why do we do this? Because most of the time when we tell the full truth we give up all power to control people around us. For example if I tell you a difficult but necessary truth, I take the risk that you hate me, or yet worse, reject and loath me, and that is very scary. So if I tell the full truth about the situation you may very well dislike me. Now, let me tell you 5 reasons why you should always tell the truth no mater the pain you

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