Shoop Song Analysis: It's Not In His Kiss

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It’s Not In His Kiss There is a song called The Shoop Shoop Song (It’s In His Kiss) which was written by Rudy Clark and the version I like best is the one sung by Cher. However if we’re talking relationships it’s not in his kiss because even the best liar can kiss passionately. It’s in his eyes and in his voice. Sitting next to your lover, husband, partner, boyfriend you’re ecstatic because he’s saying the things you want to hear. O.K. That’s just fine but now look into his eyes. As he’s saying those things does he look into your eyes or is he listlessly looking about or down at his feet? If he’s not making eye contact he’s not sincere. He could be talking to a chair for all he cares but if he looks straight at you with bright, sincere eyes

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