Shooting An Elephant Poem Analysis

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In room 303, I have had the great opportunity and pleasure of learning some of the most influential as well as important poems ever written. When I approached room 303 at the beginning of the year I had the same negative attitude towards the class like I do all the others. I quickly found out that Mr. McGee has an incredible gift of teaching. He makes it interesting as well as enjoyable and I appreciate that very much because I have a hard time in school. I want to get out as fast as I can but, everyday I look forward to the lectures that are given to myself and my peers. Each day is filled with different but important information that will help me in my future. Throughout the year I have learned how to read and understand the texts way beyond …show more content…

George did an amazing job on discussing real life problems in his text.For example, peer pressure is tough to deal with. You can get in a lot of trouble by peer pressure. When I was in 7th grade I got in some serious trouble for peer pressure. In the poem he was pressured by the 2-3 thousand people watching him deal with the elephant. If all those people were not there than he would not have shot the beast, but he had to prove his point. “The crowd would laugh at me. And my whole life, every white man’s life in the East, was one long struggle not to be laughed at.” page 1323 was a perfect quote describing his pressure to shoot the elephant. Peer pressure is really hard on a guy and will lead him to make the wrong decisions. I found out early on in life it is best to stick with your gut feeling because you will never lie or let yourself down that way. It may seem like the right thing to do at the moment just so you fit in but that is definitely untrue. George Orwell’s message was very important message because I could relate to it and it will stick with me …show more content…

Gideon creates a new way to heal a person when a poisonous snake spits in a kids eyes. The whole village was ecstatic about this new potion. Scientists from all over came to Gideon to try and get his magic potion. “But they went on persuading and arguing, with all the force of their exasperation.” (Page 1334) is a good quote explaining that Gideon did not give them any information. I think it is critical that you put others before yourself. Gideon could have earned a ridiculous amount of money and fame off of his potion but all he cared about was his people's safety. Selflessness is a dying trait in today's world and I promised myself I would put others before