Biography Of Jakob

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Jakob was raised in Shashegly, a district in Budapest, Hungary. Jakob had a nice life in Budapest. His parents had a nice home and that had a house keeper named Magda. They had lots of friends in the community and were in good health. During Jakob’s childhood in Budapest he made a great friend named Ivan. They would do everything together and were inseparable. Jakob and Ivan attended the Assisi School for Boys. Jakob liked life in Budapest. Ivan’s father was part of the arrow cross and he wanted to be part of it too when he finished school. Jakob didn’t want to be part of the arrow cross because of one big secret.

Through Ivan’s eyes Jakob’s name was Hendrik and he was catholic. But the truth was Jakob was Jew and his name wasn’t Hendrik. Jakob’s father was a cautious man. He knew that the Nazi were after the Jew so he go a hold of fake identification papers for his whole family. Jakob needed to keep this a secret for his own safety. …show more content…

It turns out that the arrow cross guard that Jakob told was Ivan’s father. And he told him to go tell the other guards were to go find Jakob family. Since this was during the war Jew were sent to concentration camps and that’s where Jakob was headed. During his trip to the concentration camp Jakob hated Ivan for going to find his family because they would be killed in a matter of time. Jakob had plotted to get revenge on Ivan as soon as he got back from the