Andrew Carnegie Research Papers

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Andrew Carnegie Once, there was a man to have the largest personal fortune in the world. He helped improve mankind by donating millions of his fortune to charity. This mastermind was named Andrew Carnegie, an industrial monopolizer who used steel to gain his massive fortune. Andrew Carnegie was born November 25, 1835 in Dunfermline, Scotland. He grew up in poverty. His father's name was William Carnegie, William worked as a weaver and was the only source of income for the family. Carnegie’s mother's name was Margaret Morrison. Carnegie’s father died in 1855, after his death Carnegie realized that he would have to take care of the family. Carnegie gotta education and by the age 18 Carnegie was a secretary for Thomas A. Scott, the superintendent of the western division for the Pennsylvania Railroad. Soon after Carnegie’s mother’s death, he married a woman named Louise Whitford in 1886. He had one child in which they named Margret. Between 1865 and 1870, Carnegie invested in several small iron mills and factories. …show more content…

The antitrust law was established around 1890 and it threatened Carnegie’s steel industry. Carnegie Steel took up most of the steel industry and the federal government thought that there wasn't fair computation for Carnegie's business. Also Carnegie's workers were paid very low wages, and had low job security being they made cheaper steel. Many of Carnegie’s workers went on strike in 1892 due to lower wages. Frick was warned by Carnegie that the strike could cause the plant to shut down. The strikers eventually won causing the company to stay closed. Then five days later the governor in Pennsylvania sent soldiers to restore order and re-open the the plant. Two months later the strike was called off, Carnegie was criticized for Fricks actions. Carnegie did a lot to achieve his large empire, he fought competitors and made good business